I had initially feared that setting up an additional blog on a blog site on which I already blog would be complicated. I feared it so much that I waited until this morning to get set up.

Fortunately, my fears turned out to be unfounded when I learned that with a simple email invite, I could be attached to two blogs with just one account. now allows me to choose which blog I want to post to by simply selecting one or the other from a drop down under ‘My Blogs.’

I have been blogging on for a few years now. I chose this site sort of arbitrarily out of the many popular sites and have been extremely pleased with its utility. I can post a new blog here and then link to it from my facebook page. From there, the dashboard feature allows me to see how many people are reading my blogs and what route they are using to access them.

I think blogging is great because it allows me to express myself at no cost somewhat publicly. Of course, this scares some people because basically anyone can link to a blog by searching under your name. However, I feel that as long as you maintain yourself and the words you write in a somewhat professional manner, it can’t hurt.


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